
Thursday, July 24, 2014

A talk worth listening to

This is a talk by former educator Rita Pierson who is discussing the fact that every student needs a champion. We all need someone to be on our side and Pierson made her students feel like they were the best students in the schools. I cannot imagine how much confidence she instilled in her students by being positive. It's definitely worth listening to!
Find this talk here and explore for many more wonderful talks.


  1. What a powerful speaker! Great choice for a video.
    She is immediately likeable and has a great speaking voice.
    Educational reform is a critical topic but focusing on "significant" relationships I felt was truly unique.
    My favorite line "you know kids don't learn from people they don't like"! I couldn't agree more.

  2. I think your video is very powerful. I love that she emphasizes the connection to the personal relationship. I think I read about the importance of creating this community and personal connection in online / digital coursework a few courses back. I can see how these two things relate and how very important it is for building successful learning environments.

  3. I'm pretty sure this video was shown to all teachers as a way to open up our first staff meeting of the school year last year! Great video. TED Talk has a lot of great videos.

  4. I love that line about not learning form people you don't like too. I have seen this speech before and just love it. I can see why it would be used to motivate teachers at the start of the year...short but powerful. I hadn't really thought of the difference this makes in online coursework, but that is also an excellent point too!

  5. We watched this during a staff meeting. Powerful! She is fantastic! Great choice for a video.

  6. Thanks, Marne...very powerful indeed!
