
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure

The purpose of this blog is for a master's degree in educational technology from Boise State University. I am creating required work for my class called Blogging in the Classroom (EDTECH 537) and am posting assignments.

Professional Career

The reason for obtaining this master's degree is to continue my education in order to improve at my job as a middle school librarian. I currently work at Garnet Valley Middle School in Glen Mills, PA, having just finished my third year. Prior to that I was a librarian in another district and have also worked as a middle school mathematics teacher as well. My undergraduate degree from Wet Chester University is in elementary education and my first master's degree from Drexel University is in library and information science.

Blogging is not something I make a living at in any way. I have never gotten paid in any way whether it be in money or products and do not plan on getting paid in the future. The purpose of leaning to blog is to pass the knowledge on to fellow teachers as well as students to make learning more funand interesting.

I do not advertise on my blog, nor do I plan on it. As of now I have not posted any links to products nor have I suggested using or not using any specific products or services.


Media ties: I have no media ties.
Stocks: I own no stocks.
Religion: I have never blogged about religion
Politics: The purpose of my blog is for education and I do not write about politics nor are my political views relevant to anything I write. 

A Few Questions

1. For what other employers (or consulting) have you worked in the last five years?
    Southeast Delco School District-Librarian

    2. What sort of volunteer work do you do regularly, if any, and for whom? (Please include any public relations, advocacy or advisory board involvement.)

    I do not do any consistent volunteer work, but do random volunteer work for different organizations. However, I am not affiliated with any of these organizations.

    3. Do you do any work paid or unpaid in politics or government? Have you done any lobbying of governmental bodies?


    4. Do you have any financial investments or financial ties that may limit your ability to cover specific topics free of conflict, and if so, what are the topics?


    5. Although we don’t regulate the activities of spouses, partners or immediate family members of our contributors, do any of their professional or personal involvements or any of their financial investments or ties make certain topics inappropriate for you, and if so, what are the topics?

    No, my husband works for Lincoln Financial, but I do not invest with them. 

    6. Have you accepted any free trips, junkets or press trips in the last two years? Have you accepted any substantial free merchandise or discounts from people we might cover?


    This page is used for EDTECH 537 and was modeled after a full disclosure page of Michael Barbour's Virtual School Meanderings.

    1 comment:

    1. Erin, might I recommend that you change this from a post to a page. That way it will always be accessible on the main page of your blog (whereas a post will disappear from the main page after you have posted five or six entries).
