
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fare Thee Well

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone in this class for posting so much interesting work throughout the course of this summer. I loved how diverse all of the blogs were and being able to get insight into so many different types of blogs. I thought they would all be education based and I was glad that some of them weren't. This also helped me to get out of my shell and post about some things that were not related to education like travel and books (even though that is part of my job).

Good luck to all with the remainder of your programs and with any blogging you plan to do in the future!



  1. Erin, best of luck with your future blogging plans too! If I can be of any assistance on that front in the future, please let me know.

  2. Thanks very much. I will definitely know who to ask if I run into any issues!
